Saturday, 30 October 2021

Halloween PlayList

Halloween Soundtrack: eine kleine Selektion of lesser known tracks and personal favourites of mine to bore the shit out of you.

Japan-Oil on canvas (instrumental)

Carmel-I'm not afraid of you

The Sisters of Mercy-Neverland (the 13 minute version)

Alien Sex Fiend-In and out of my mind (from their classic 'I'm living in a 24 hour maximum security twilight zone' album)

Joy Division-I remember nothing (the last track on 'Unknown Pleasures')

Sinead-Danny Boy (a capella on 'The Late Late Show')

Cocteau Twins-I could die in your rosary (from 'Garlands')

Smog-The only mother (extra track on 'Knock Knock')

Interpol+David Lynch-I touch a red button

This Mortal Coil-Come here my love

Colourbox-In this arena

Oberkampf-Mes amis sont morts

Lisa Gerrard-Sanvean may need a full minute of silence after this one.

Astor Piazzola-devant la glace ('Armaguedon' soundtrack)


Anya Taylor-Joy-Downtown ('Last Night in Soho' soundtrack. Girl can sing.)

Lou Reed-Rock menuet

The Avalanches-Barbara Payton song, 1minute41, probably my "song of the year"

Antony and the Johnsons-Fell in love with a dead boy

David Bowie-Warszawa

Pink Floyd-The gunner's dream

Cliff Martinez-opening credits of 'Only God Can Judge Me' (basically a rip-off of Bernard Herrmann's 'The Day The Earth Stopped' but, hey)

Nick Cave-I need you -off 'The Skeleton Tree'. Yep.

Mary Margaret o'Hara-You will be loved again

Dark-Monologue at the end of season 2

under consideration:

Johnny Cash with U2-The wanderer

Will Callahan-The breeze (cover version)

REM-Country feedback

Georges Delerue-Police python 357 opening credits

Smog-To be of use

Massive Attack-Come live with me

Yazoo-Winter kills

closing with Pink Floyd-Pigs on the wing

I didn't want to simply copy-and-past the 'That's What I Call Goth vol. 25' listing with your usual Cure-Lovecats, Smiths-Heaven knows I'm miserable now, Bauhaus-Ziggy stardust, Black-It's a wonderful life, Metallica-Enter sandman, Zig Zig Sputnik-You sank my battleship PP51, Kelly Osbourne-Fade to grey, the theme choon to the X Files and Dr. Who, Nick Cave-The weeping song, Blur covers The sun ain't gonna shine anymore etc.

Friday, 29 October 2021

The Future


Re. PC, internet, smartphone: what’s the next big technological epoch? | John Naughton | The Guardian / holograms of Elvis, Tupac, Abba touring etc., I wager that the next 'epoch' -for the rich part of humanity, that is- will consist of tailoring our personal -either private or communal (see below)- reality by peopling it with impressively re-booted (check out "deepfake") figures of the past or present.

Namely: immersive full helmet or bodysuit on, we will be able to live out our fantasies in our own dreamworld with our favourite celebrities who will never die. In this new re-created world, our loved ones will never leave us; our (political / religious / racial / sexual / class structure / sports supporting etc.) tribe will rule the Earth; we will be able to enforce our own ideology and standards; we will have sex with / slay whichever celebrity is available for digitisation and so on. Oh, and the Nazis -you knew this was coming- did not lose WW2.

In short, we will create our own reality.

The technology already exists – and I can't possibly pass up the opportunity to rehash the old William Gibson quote: “The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed”. With this fact on one hand and another side of the equation (see below) firmly on course on the other, I daresay we are looking at no further than a very real possibility of this happening in around twenty years' time, if not before.

Sure, this is -literally- “science-fiction”, but science-fiction at its most divinatory, and you can easily reference the likes of Phil K Dick, the Bruce Willis "Surrogates" movie, 'The Matrix', 'The 13th Floor', 'Westworld', 'Elysium', 'Land of the Dead', the 'Black Mirrrrr' episode with Jesse Plemons parodying 'Star Trek", and so on and so forth via countless variations on the theme. Inevitably, I seem to remember that there was an episode in the first season of 'Black Mirrrrr' along these lines + hasn't the Net and its sosholmedia already created 'silos' and 'echo chambers' where niches prosper away from reality and its attending alterity?

But this is not all.

Meanwhile, the rest of humanity -probably around 99% of it- will suffer the apocalyptic effects of Global Warming / Climate Disruption. Everyone with half a brain knows that this world will be seriously messed up by 2050, prompting local conflicts, mass migration, the rise of ever more aggressive religion, a chasm between “the West” and the rest, open conflict between the haves and the haves-not.

The objective of life will be to escape the burning world outside for however long as possible and to qualify for the cocooned shelter of such plugged-in alter-life. The high-tech havens will come in gradual levels of sophistication, so as to offer the seduction of possible admittance to the general public and ensure its active support. (Needless to say, the 0,1% of the 0,1% at the top will remain well out of reach, in New Zealand or Nebraska.)

In turn, these new high-tech microcosms will bring about the emergence of new working classes/strata trained to build them, maintain them, tend to them, service them, and safeguard them in exchange for the relative safety of living in their vicinity - think MASSIVE security at the borders of the enclaves. Not only that, but these technology-based communities will also boost military enterprising: they need raw materials and energy supplies (Ever heard of the curious appearance of Chinese scientists all over Africa? Ever wondered why?). Deals will be cut with tribal warlords, this is not going to be pretty but, hey, (PS added one week after my original argument -Talk about prescience!) people will be able to enjoy Zuckerberg's “metaverse” fantasy...

#augmentedreality #transhuman

...Pro'bly ought to write a story about it now. Loig Allix Thivend, All rights reserved.