Monday, 26 October 2015

Collection of #Twitter-Short-Stories

"The right to bear arms. The right to bury your son."

"Underpay your staff. Underearn."

"Will you? -No Dad!"

"Shareholders meeting Tues. Company announcement Weds."

"Heatwave. Cold beer."


"Man, that thing you love so much? I taught your girlfriend."

"Sweetheart. If I didn't love you, I would love someone else."

"Are you sure this low growling comes from the TV...?"

"They say "don't stick your fingers in the mains, it'll kill you". They were right."

"They say "never give a stranger a lift". I now drive a new car."

"White boy, white girl. Black baby???"

"He / She doesn't see me,"


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