Saturday, 1 October 2016


T-shirt genuine "offical police escort Madonna world tour 2004" black t-shirt, large -excellent 25 Pounds
T-shirt Morrissey Gothic letters on black, large -excellent 15 Poounds
T-shirt ULTRA RARE Peter Hook : "New Order in case of reformation break glass" limited edition of 20 for the 20th anniversary of Ian Curti's death, concert at Factory headquarters, large -new still under plastic 60 Pounds
T-shirt the Stranglers "The Raven" official, large -very good 20 Pounds

Football shirt Manchester United early 90s with laces on collar, large -excellent 40 Pounds
Football shirt Manchester United away black 1994 large -excellent 30 Pounds
T-shirt Elvis Costello and the Imposters on tour beautiful, large -excellent 20 Pounds

Jacket Young Gods "everybody knows" XL -excellent 40 Pounds

Postcard Nick Cave "the road to god knows where" / "and the ass saw the angel" double-sided, large -excellent 4 Pounds
Flyer-sticker New Order "press technique" for the release of "technique" large -very good condition 10 Pounds
Flyer "I am kurious oranj" The Fall 80s double-sided, paper -good 4 Pounds
Flyer Lars von Trier "Epidemic" at CNP Lyon, paper double-sided -good 2 Pounds
Postcard Madonna "who's that girl" release, nice -excellent 1 Pound
Ticket The Pogues at Lyon 26/03/1988 small but nice -excellent 3 Pounds
Ticket Woodentops Villeubanne 04/03/1988 small but nice -very good 3 Pounds
Ticket Barbara 26/02/1988 Lyon small -good 10 Pounds
Flyer "the man with the hat is back: Indiana Jones and the last crusade" fold-out -good 2 Pounds
Flyer Le Monde présente "les Possédés" (Wajda) large fold-out -good 2 Pounds

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