Context: Hollwood superhero movies not doind so well ("Batman vs Superman", apparently), paving the way for satires such as (the execracle) "Deadpool" + election of Tr*mp + the racist and unpunishment murder of various black American men by the police and the resulting emergence of the "Black Lives Matter" movement
-enter "Dark Panther".
Starting with Cinematographic Imagery: the title appears out of black background (2.15). BLEEDIN' BORING BALL-BREAKING FUCKIN' ANNOYING blue vs. orange colour scheme. Staccato editing (this is a trailer after all + needs to inject sense of urgency and excitement). Frenzied movement = action.
Identification: protagonist presented as a king (like N. Mandela). Black South African rounded "r" (0.53 -like N. Mandela). Protagonist wearing what appears to be a South African scarf (1.14 -like N. Mandela). Brief glimpse of, er, a black panther (1.14). Mask of feline appearance (0.55) like a -geddit?- black panther + redolent of the Marvel super-hero imagery (Batman, anyone?). Hero and antagonist shed their (civilisation) armour to fight with only their awesome (nature) musculature on show (1.36).
Heroic Figure: big muscles - weapons - catchy name - presence of aged guide (the mother) - easy lines to remember ("I never freeze") - apparent side-kick (M. Freeman)
Reversal: white actors/characters (not yer man from "The Office / Sherlock" hey, but the two others) apparently presented as baddies in traditional role reversal. Multiculturalism: neon signs in Japanese/Korean (1.58). Gender egalitarianism: women fighting (1.52)
Subversion: repetitive use of Gil Scot-Heron's "The Television Will Not Be Televised", a ground-breaking black anthem protest song whose slogan will resurface with the likes of -excusez du peu- Public Enemy, Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, the Wu-Tang-Clan, Jamiroquai, Snoop MachinChose, Elvis Costello, Last Poets, NO FX, Pulp, and on and on and on. Interesting double-enteeeendre lines "I've never seen anything like this" "How long have you been hiding?" "I've waited my entire life for this" "it is your time".
-----> idea of destiny / wetting the viewer's appetite: "what kind of king will you be?" - "let's have some fun" - glimpses of muscles - hero's final move to the right cut off abruptly.
-----> despite promise of difference, a trailer in fact abiding by the stylistic conventions of the superhero genre (surely to better subvert it, huh?) - pay attention, for instance, to the very first lines ("I have seen..."): they cannot but remind you of another blockbuster! ("Blade Runner")
Judging from this trailer, the skin colour of the hero may change, viewers are still in for: loud "hip" aggressive music; frenzied "MTV gen" editing; special effects a gogo; spectacular fight scenes; FUCKIN' BORING PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT THE FUCK STOP blue-and-orange cinematography; self-styled moral rationales; bodybuilder physiques and so on (ie more of the same).
Verdict: success guaranteed.