Saturday, 29 August 2015

Guiding Principles (“there is method in [his] madness”)

It has been argued that Modern Art is about questioning codes, highlighting their artificiality and subverting their would-be rules; for example, a playwright will break “the fourth wall” and directly address the audience in the theatre; a musician will forgo melodies and inflict pure noise on his audience; a painter will leave a canvas entirely blank and so on.
What loig7sannoshinpi is doing is attracting its audience’s attention to the conditions of transmission of VHS or online images: exposing the (TV screen) cathodic crisscrossing, the bleeding of colours, the overlap of successive sequences, the persistence of movements...

All that distortion, you might as well recycle it, use it for something special. After all, misunderstanding makes for great jokes or poetry -for what is poetry if not a layer of weirdness that wraps itself around literal meaning? It’s the extra, it’s the unexpected, it’s the eye catching. It’s the thought provoking rather than the taken for granted. It’s that undefined zone which I like to work on as I find it –more often than not- more interesting than the undiluted message itself (that is to say, the message as originally intended by its creator).    

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