Saturday, 29 August 2015

Presentation (1)

Hello, friend.

What you will find here is a presentation of "Let's Get Graphic", a compilation of loig7san no shinpi's art-work available at Am*z*n Kindle at [insert link here].
I have recycled this blog (which used to host an old scenario of mine) to include a teaser digest of "Let's Get Graphic". Be aware that differences will occur, though. For example, some images posted here won't make the final cut for various reasons. On the whole though, this should give you a pretty accurate idea of the finished product.

The idea behind this set-up is simple.
If you enjoy what you see and want to show your appreciation, feel free to order / legally download a copy at the official retail price (about three Pounds, two of which end up in my pocket -not exactly an obscene amount is it?).
If you don't, you wouldn't have spent any money on it anyway.

Try before you buy, in other words.

Let's start with the introductory remarks (abridged). Don't pay too much attention to the formatting, what matters (as always) is the content.


-The Art Of The Scar
-Discordance Celebrated
-The Collapse Of The Self
-The Acceptance Of Confusion
-Perverted By Machines
-Expose Communication Distortions
-Redefine Perception
-Celebrate The Divergent
-Turn The Interference Into Something Constructive
-Never Be Satisfied, Look Further
-Carve Your own Path


Or else you could apprehend this work as some sort of visual My Bloody Valentine (all texture and interlocked depths). See explanation below.
MBV comes to mind, but these images could also stand as a visual Go! Team or Public Enemy (their famous “wall of sound”, see) : with all kinds of explosive events happening all over the place. Pretty anti-minimalism then (not that I have anything against minimalism, in fact I love it).

Synesthesia, or the confusion of cognitive pathways: how the stimulation of one sense affects another; for example when a colour evokes a sound.
Think about the sea or the colour blue... don’t you experience a slight chill instantly? Or statues ...they ask to be caressed.
Well, it could be argued that the idea behind this project was to create some sort of visual My Bloody Valentine. MBV’s guiding principle is to process layers upon layers upon layers upon layers (upon layers) of sound and sculpt the result into some sort of melody. With loig7sannoshinpi, the miasma of colours is whipped into some sort of composition.

Already as a child, I remember touching up newspaper photos, shading them so as to gradually turn them into different pictures. For example, I would blacken the background behind a body and redefine the shape and width of a limb.
I also remember playing with printers: how successive prints from a defective one would mess with the image, creating aphazard patterns, bleeding ink over it, that sort of thing. Little did I know then what was in store much later on!

The Uncanny (der Unheimlich): one of the things I love most and have tried to convey here and there is this idea of “something is not quite right”. Ideally, some of the following images should inspire the viewer this reflection : “I can't help feeling that there is something bizarre here, but can't quite place it...”
But then, such was the original idea. ...I then tend to go over the top and forget about keeping it understated:-(.
Still, I would like the viewer to feel slightly puzzled, somehow unnerved, unable to quite grasp the source of his / her discomfort. Sometimes all it takes is a subtle skewing of the perspectives (curved walls, figures that couldn’t realistically stand up, that sort of thing).



Racy stuff is also included -but that will be featured at the end eh, showing it first would give the wrong impression. No, it’s not all about s.e.x., although the cheeky / saucy / tongue-in-cheek most certainly plays a strong part in my aaaaart (insert self-deprecating italics here).

More on this subject: believe it or not, but there is a line which I am aware of and try not to cross. There is a difference between “shown” and “portrayed”, “explicit” and “graphic”, “recognizable” and “discernible”. The point of this exercise is to have a bit of fun with the subject matter and not to simply show and reveal –anybody can do that, where would be the artistry?


And so, without further ado, hoping that you will enjoy the crimes against harmony (dis)gracing the following pages, we bid you “good luck” and hope to hear from you on them bleeding soshalmedia. 
Signed Loig, the collective’s editor, summer of 2015.

Let’s get you started with some easy ones.

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