Once upon a time -and it was a very strange time- there was a little boy and his cat. The little boy was called Tommy and the cat "Thing".
"Hey, Thing" Tommy would say "don't jump on my bed, don't jump on my -ah, too late!" Because Thing always jumped on Tommy's bed. And why did Thing like to jump on Tommy's bed? Because Thing wanted to be with Tommy. Thing liked to go and breathe hard in Tommy's face ("mrumph! mrumph!"), which always cracked Tommy up. Tommy could never keep a straight face when the cheeky beast went for his nose and mrumphed! mrumphed! in it. Thing loved to do that, especially when Tommy least expected it. Maybe Tommy would be reading a book... or daydreaming... or even sleeping -and the next thing he knew, there was a fearless feline with a long moustache and pointed ears going "mrumph! mrumph!" right in his face. Tommy always burst out laughing when Thing did that.
There was a reason why Thing liked to do that, you see. Not just because it amused her -and it amused her greatly- but also because Thing knew that Tommy would always laugh when she did that, and when people laugh, that means they're happy. Thing loved Tommy and wanted to make him happy.
But Thing was after something else, too. Oh wasn't she clever! Thing knew that Tommy would always give her a cuddle as a result and Thing loooved being cuddled. Thing going "mrumph! mrumph!" in the Little Master's face was her say of saying "Cuddles! I want some cuddles!" -and Tommy would always oblige.
And so the days went by, with Tommy going to school and coming back from school, and Thing waiting for Tommy to reappear. As soon as Tommy would sit somewhere, Thing would raise her delicate head and survey the room. No danger on the right, no danger on the left... Then she would uncoil silently, stretch out, and make for Tommy's chair like the great predator that she was (a predator for cuddles, that is). One second later, the cat would be into the little boy's face going "mrumph! mrumph! I want some cuddles!" And both of them were happy.
Sadly the times were hard. It was a very strange time for sure. Tommy's family didn't have much money and Christmas was on its way. Everybody was wondering what presents to give to each other and Tommy couldn't think of any for Thing. A radio maybe? Who ever heard of a radio for a cat! A wristwatch? Cats don't wear wristwatches! A pair of boots that light up in the dark? That's no present for a cat! Besides, all of these prezzies cost money that Tommy didn't have, now that he had spent his pocket-money on his mummy and daddy. So there he was. ... He couldn't think of anything to buy his feline friend and he was getting worried.
Thing was worried too: the Little Master was acting all strange these days. She could see him folding his face in all sorts of ways and she could hear him sighing for no clear reason; Tommy would scratch his nose and stare in the air, looking at ... nothing she could see (and she tried so very hard to see what he was looking at). What was going on here? She just couldn't understand what the matter was with him: he didn't have a fever (she would sense it if that was the case), he wasn't looking for something in his room -so what on earth was happening in his human head? Humans are so bizarre! And she thought she knew him... The more Thing saw little Tommy in this state, the more she wanted to make him happy. If only she could think of some way...
Then Tommy found the solution.
Then Thing found the solution.
But they didn't tell each other, oh no. They waited for the right moment.
And so the days passed, 19th of December, 20th of December, 21st of December, 22nd of December, 23rd of December, 24th of December... and then it was Christmas. Christmas! The one day in the year when the pressure to be merry and generous is on you: celebrate! be nice to someone! share in the joy of being alive and make happy memories for the future!
Sunlight crept timidly through the curtains and started to dance on the wall, cunningly progressing toward Tommy's pillow. There. Sunlight now bathed Tommy's splayed hair, illuminating his face. Thing had been waiting for this moment, and she wasted no time in running up to the Little Master's bed. Whoomp! Her graceful body flew through the air and landed on the golden blanket. Plomp! Tommy pretended not to notice. He had been waiting for that moment too. Thing paused for a second, looked around the silent room in her usual cautious way, and glided towards the Little Master's innocent face. ... She was now a whisker away.
Then she breathed into Tommy's nose and, just as she thought, he burst out laughing. She had guessed right! No more worries for the little man! Laughter rang round the room as the little boy mock-tried to defend himself against the friendly assault: "Oh stop it now Thing, stop it, ah don't after all!" Thing mrumphed even harder, rubbing her whiskers on Tommy's cheeks, nudging him to move. Thing was loving it, for she had found a way to wipe the frown off Tommy's face.
Tommy was also having the time of his life. "Oh I think I know what's going on here! Cuddles! You want some cuddles is what you want!" he exclaimed delightedly, and he was very happy to give her lots. Boy and cat rolled around, mock-fighting and teasing each other. Their laughter and meows echoed through the house and Tommy's mum and dad came to see what was happening. When they saw Tommy and Thing having such a great time, they decided to leave them alone. These two would come down for breakfast when they were ready.
And so Tommy and Thing enjoyed a wonderful Christmas morning just the two of them, no need for material things or expensive gifts. They had a brilliant Christmas because they had understood that you don't always need money to have a lovely time. Some of the best things in the world don't cost a thing
-and they make all the difference.
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