What matters is the work.
What you do and leave behind. Your actions, and ultimately your legacy.
Work takes many shapes (as you will see underneath): some of them are verbal, some of them are visual.
For every author, every creator, there comes a time when you feel you have to let go. You can't go any further. For sure you could, but it may not be such a good idea -you have to turn the page and move on to another project.
Release the work, set it free in the wide world -even though the work is never complete, it is never perfect.
Publish it and and hope for the best, hope that the receiver will apprehend the work in a not too contradictory mindframe. Take comfort in the fact that the work is now being granted a second life. This second life is the audience interpretation.
The work's process is completed by the viewer's / readers' own understanding and sensibility.
You know that differences are inevitable, and divergences will appear -but this is what the world is about: multiplicity. The work's destiny is to end up in someone else's hands.
As it happens, your hands, my friend.
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